Headmaster LoA


Headmaster LoA

Starting Friday evening and going through Tuesday morning, I will be going out of town for family buisness. I may or may not have internet access, and even if I do, I'll only clear out my e-mail.

Kromtal and Dranik should be able to handle anything SA related, if it comes up. I'm not expecting any problems, though. IF there is a major issue or situation that requires my attention, get in touch with Dranik, and he can call me. Once again, I'm not expecting anything like that, though.

On a similar note, Siyavash is getting her computer repaired and will likely be out for another week or so. So, Envoys, please be patient (she had already moved to a new place and started a new job). Malisane has run of the Envoys until she returns.

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