Star Wars: Legacy #3


Star Wars: Legacy #3

Legacy #3: Broken Part 3 (click for preview) | Knights of the Old Republic #8 (click here for preview) <-

Just to inform everyone, Star Wars: Legacy #3 is now out. Hopefully the release dates will now start getting back on schedule. On the bright side, this issue apparently features Luke Skywalker as a Force Ghost.

And, while I'm at it, since it's only next week, Knights of the Old Republic #8 is out on September 20th. For those who don't know, Knights of the Old Republic is set during the Mandalorian Wars (i.e. the period right before the video games) and is about Zayne Carrick, who many believe is the guy who becomes Darth Nihilus. The preview has some nice pictures of Mandalore the Ultimate who you might remember from the Exar Kun comics if you've read them.

Eh? Comics? I'm a nerd, but not that much of a nerd. :P

Bah, I closed that bold tag...the database ate my closing brace shakes fist menacingly at the database Gimme back my closing brace you bloated piece of code!!

Edit by Dessan - There you go, fixed.

The Legacy series is actually pretty cool. I've never been interested in the Star Wars novels, but I do enjoy comics. I look for the art, I stay for the story, and both have kept me interested. The whole idea of the Legacy series begins with the Empire having "reformed," and become the dominant force for order. The Sith re-emerge and assist the Empire (somewhat), and destroy the Jedi Knights. The Sith take over the Empire, but the Emperor, Roan Fel, escapes and starts a rebellion against the "evil Sith Empire."

Reminiscent of the movies and so much more? Yes. Cooler? Yes, in some ways. Worth checking out, if nothing more? Absolutely.

I've been following the series (Legacy) sicne it came out. While it hasn't interested me as much as the books, I do like where it is going. And it's nice to see that The Fel line takes over the Empire. And that they're fighting against the Sith. And it's sort of starting off from where the current Galactic Alliance is headed.

I dunno. Interesting enough. Definately worth it.

I can't seem to get into it. Cade Skywalker seems too much of a cliche.

KOTOR had a great first 6 issues. I thought it was a mini-series, so I'm not sure how it's going to grip me as it carries on. Issue 7 was only average but hopefully it'll pickup again.

Remember Rebellion is kicking about too. It's just a continuation of Empire, and average at best, but at least worth reading in the shop.

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