Mini SA Report


Mini SA Report

I have a few announcements that I wanted to make before my official report.

First, don't forget: there are two EP positions open for applications. Look on the SA message board for details.

Secondly, I start finals this Friday. In particular, the one I have on Friday is going to be my hardest one. Overall, my e-mail response time will be down through next Wednesday. I will still host trivia on Saturday, though.

Third, please participate in the poll and the discussion on the SA part of the ID lines. I realized now that there are more options open to us than I originally thought, so I want the feedback. Go to the polling center, and then the SA message board (you don't need to read the whole "SA ID lines" topic, just my last post).

Finally, after you've read this, make certain you read the other things posted below if you haven't already done so.

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