SIT Results


SIT Results

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Hello all

Before I go into the SIT results, I would just like to thank everyone who participated, you guys made this SIT rock! 27 people showed up, with Braecen taking first place with 48 CFs!! Lots of team matches played, lots of EaW, BF2, JO and JA matches as well.

Points will be shortly updated here There is currently discussion about what points will be used for, and we will have the answer for you soon. And now, without any more useless information, results:

**(Cr-R) - Braecen - 48 Clusters

(Cr-A) - RevengeX - 34 Clusters

(Cr-S) - Phoenix - 28 Clusters

(Cr-E) - Strategos - 27 Clusters

(Cr-T) - Sashar - 20 Clusters**

I am also changing qualifications for SIT. In order to qualify you must play 3 matches with any 3 people, any clan, including your own. I think this will make qualifications easier and SIT more fun.

Enjoy your week and come out to game any gaming days!



CSP Sweep! ;)

Bah, CSP h4xx0rs! :P Gratz all!

choo! choo! CSP railroaded this event! mwahahaha

sigh they win a SIT once this whole year and they think they
are the ultimate PWNage...

sure...keep up CSP :P

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