Jac's Holiday Schedule


Jac's Holiday Schedule

Howdy folks,

I just wanted to make sure you all knew what the next two weeks look like for me. Today and tomorrow I am finishing up the last of my exams -- two final papers. The last one is due tomorrow at midnight, though I hope to have it done sooner. After that, I have three "normal" days of just work. hen I will be at home in Cincinnati for 10 days. During that time, I will have normal email access and I will try to make it on IRC when I can, but as the Holidays hit, don't expect a ton.

January 1st, I come back to Columbus and will be in the swing of things again. I have a week of work and then start my last semester of law school. Fun fun.

I'm a little behind on my email right now due to these papers -- sorry. I'll get caught up tomorrow.


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