Gaming Changes


Gaming Changes

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Hey all

I want to tell you about a few changes that will be happening with the gaming in DB starting next week. First of all, we have a final (at least for now) SIT qualification change, and second, gaming nights change.

SIT qualifications have been changed because of a popular request to make it easier to qualify. Also, if you notice the open SIT I held was one of the biggest SITs for a while, because so much people could come out and play. The qualifications now are 6 matches. if you plan 6 matches anytime between last SIT and first SIT, you qualify.

Second change is gaming nights. Starting next week, for the duration of a month, we will switch things up a bit. Next week gaming nights will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Week after that they will be tuesday and thursday again. And so on. This information will also be put up in the important info box on soon enough.

Hope these changes do some good, and I would like to thank Korras and Aabsdu for suggesting and helping me with these. If you have comments, leave them here or e-mail me, it's great to know what you think.


T:G about we make the hours between 5am to 7pm good for monday's....and then 2pm to 5pm on fridays...catch my drift here? sorry guys, but maybe we need to look at just opening the gaming days from Monday - Friday.

Lets just make the gaming alittle more fun, and less technologic shall we........

Still sound a bit drunk there, mate :P

I've chatted to Luc about this and he's doing this because so few people agree with all day gaming (I do agree, btw) so he's experimenting with different days. What's the problem?

Personally, I like the Gaming Night change. As a person who is usually insanely busy on Thursdays (so much so that to even consider gaming would be ridiculous), I think opening up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every other week instead is a great idea. It gives more people a chance to game, and that should be the goal. Good work!

just some points.

1) when moved to all days again, people will come during all times. thus, you might get more players, but those will be spread out over all days, which will end up with people going in and going "ne1 want to play with me? plz?" at odd times, with no-one else around. that's what prompted the regulated gaming nights. those who were around before it was revamped (remember all-week gaming nights, with the ICTE script?), will remember that.

2) while initially you might have more gamers, that will ebb off too. one example of that was the ORoS. people could game all day long, 24/7, which initially caused a great deal of gaming. in the end, it was down to less then usual, with people tired of gaming all the time. another reason it will ebb off, is because it will be harder to find opponents. see the "ne1 want to play with me? plz?" comment above.

3) while it might be confusing now, times will remain the same. best thing to do, I think, is to add which nights are gaming nights to the top of the news page (where "taldryan wins GJW" was, up to a while ago).

there. my comments. :P

I think it's a good idea to switch every week, and adding a note at the top of the page would clear up any confusion members may have.

my reasoning for going all week long is well simple......people dont haveto game each day..but they have the option, and unlike most people....that arnt nerds(those that choose to sit in front of a computer all the time :P) give others a chance at any time...not just three days this week and two days the next week..yes I understand that there could be alot of awarding but the goal was to make iut so its click button and it was a instant award......but wait that sounds like alot of work for a codemonkey? wow......sorry guys, but it was my belief towards the end of my time as tribune, to make this happen....why? cause I felt and still do that since this is a on-line gaming club (with other areas we added in) that if the gamers wanted to play each other..than let them...a cluster of fire is pretty worthless...always has been, and until that area is changed...then what are we afraid of? people that really enjoy the gaming will enjoy it...if they get tired of gaming.....then they have that option to slow down..or take a break. But for us to ignore that some people have a hetic lifestyle, or from one week to the next that cant game on set days...and will have a random we say week a you get three days........and week b you get two days rotated back and forth....thats just a entire load of crap. Solve the problem...and just do away with two here and three there.......and really...if a tribune cant carry that load, then maybe a person that is fully capable of handling such a choir should be put into place.......while I was a tribune, I tried to make sure for the days that were granted, that they were taken care of when that day was many cf's did I see? well if you figure I never saw more than 20 people in one, sounds really hard to me.......almost sounds like people that have a position are trying to find ways out of doing said job.............and if the "project" for instant approval of CF's were in place......then a simple click, click.....and your done would solve it.....but wait, that takes someone to get off there a** and doing it...heck, I heard about that back in what, August??????

Seriously Smoke...put the drink down.

I thought about adding my own two cents, but I'm far too poor for that. I have only a penny's worth to offer.

I think that the switching up of gaming days just might provide some individuals an opportunity to game who might otherwise not be able to. In my young (DB-wise) eyes that would make it an excellent idea. Kudos to those who came up with it, approved it and implemented it.

As for having gaming every day, 24/7? That's a great idea and all, but only if you want to see CFs become ridiculously devalued and several of the active people with over 3,500 of them by April.

Being active is great, being active in online gaming is great, being GOOD at the games that you play is great, but the main focus here has really got to be getting the most people involved and making sure that those that participate really enjoy what they are doing.

I obviously can't speak to any coding concerns or such, but I'm fairly certain that this grand scheme will succeed. Sure, I've seen the pleading, unanswered cries of "anyone up for a game," but so long as the nights are posted and people are made aware, there will be no more of this than there is right now.

One last thing. I love gaming. I mean, I really LOVE gaming. But that's not what I think this club is all about. Organization, teamwork, learning about SW stuff that we all seem to enjoy, role-play, chatting, making people feel as though they are part of a community, and - most of all - having fun. That's why I joined. Fun. If this change keeps anyone from having just as much fun as they did before, then sure, it must have been a bad idea from the start. I personally don't believe it will.

Damn. That's one big penny.

look, I aggree with Mal. It's all about fun. We're just trying to make changes to see what fits best so people would have fun the most. But as I said, if the idea doesn't work out, great, we found something that doesn't work, eliminated it and now on the way to finding out the option that does work.

Wow, let's make trying something different hard. heh. Anyway, nice to see something different being attempted.

Good going, Lucius. I like the change. It offers more flexibility for gaming. :)

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