Major Release: Antei System


Major Release: Antei System

I am proud to announce that the Antei System document has been uploaded and can be found on the Policies and Projects Page. In the past the Antei System has been briefly mentioned in the DVs and works of fiction, but it has never been fully explored. With the release of this document we now have a detailed system history and a description of the planetary bodies found within. Of particular interest you will find several points of interest defined including the Dark Hall, Shadow Academy, Sith/Krath/Obbie Temples, and the GMRG Martial Academy.

We developed the Antei System based on the original work done by Trev and used several past descriptions of Antei from the Dark Voice. We made every attempt to maintain the original spirit of the original documents; however, some changes were made. For the most part, the document is new material.

I want to thank the people who helped research this project, write it, and edit it. Special thanks to Trev for passing this project on to me and creating the original system description. In addition I would like to thank Orzon and Aabsdu for writing early drafts of several planets. Editing was handled by Jac, TT, Xanos, and Donitz and their suggestions improved the document tenfold.

I would be suspect if I did not single out Raken for his contributions to this project. Over the last four months Raken has handled rewrite after rewrite and patiently allowed Jac and I to replace one astrophysical impossibility with another. Raken also handled a lion share of the editing and document format. Without him, this project would have never been completed. The DB owes you thanks Raken!

Okay, enough blah blah. 36 Pages of Antei Detail can be found here: Antei System

** Argh, I apologize. I forgot to mention Khobai as an author in the above. He penned the section on the GMRG. Thanks Khobai!

Oh yeah, just a side note. The astrophysical reality of the Antei System is a closely guarded secret and is held within the Grand Master's Holocron. It has been reported that several people have met an unfortunate end when inquiring to deeply into the reality of a fake universe (see weekend Astronomers).


Masterful document, many props to Raken for his work with this project. It reads exceptionally well and the level of continuity is applauded - as is the ingenuity!

However, I'm not sure if I like Tarentum having a franchise tag on travel in and out of the system... or, more importantly, access to an Antei Defense group :-p

Noooooo, Tarentum cannot have access to an Antei Defense Group to help defend Antei, and more importantly, access to Antei! The Dark Side forbid! Please. :P

As an aside, though, Tarentum wasn't just chosen because of being the outside "contact" for the Brotherhood, and such. For the record, I was Jac's Praetor at the time, as well as Consul of Tarentum, and my unique position(s) helped provide the doorway to tarentum becoming the Shroud guardians. I had a unique loyalty to Jac, Tarentum has a unique loyalty to me, Jac knew he had an entire Clan to call on to defend Antei and the main route to it.

Blah blah, blah blah, blah. You bitches didn't even mention me. I'm hurt. :P

It was a very good document BF -- almost forty pages. If we mentioned you, it would be at the end and it would just ruin EVERYTHING!

Tar doesn't have access to use the ADF but for to protect the system -- nothing for their own clan business.

Also, I put in there a bit of a clause so that as time goes on and the DB becomes more prominent in the galaxy, the single entrance to the Shroud will diminish in use.

I don't want to revisit the decision to make Tar the guardians of the shroud in hindsight -- it was made as a fictional decision immediately after the split. I do encourage other clans to try and find some unique way in which they can support the DB puzzle, though.


Actually, all joking aside, it is a very good piece of work, and it's something that all of you who worked on should be proud of. And, for those of you who don't understand my sense of humor, and didn't realize I was joking, you all suck. :P

Yes, this is awesome. Well done, Sarin, Raken, et al.!

I strongly encourage all writers to read through this at least once. Background material is always good to know.

You know, I actually thought I had put BF in the document. He is vaguely mentioned as the "Sith High Warrior" who oversaw the creation of the Sith Temple.

See! It's a conspiracy! Jac and Sarin are trying to keep me out by conveniently "forgetting me." Bastards. Oh well. I guess it doesn't matter THAT much. Everyone knows the truth. They all know you couldn't live without me. I make this place gold. :P

Just kidding. I have to make that disclaimer (that I'm kidding) or Armus will be tempted to beat the ego out of me.

There's nothing really that worrying about one Clan having "access" to an ADG as it is only that really... access. If the GM came along and issued orders it's not as if people wouldn't know who has the bigger guns pointed at them. There would probably some kind of wierd Star Wars based remote control self destruct in light of rebellion whatsitthingymajig or something anyway.

Of course, if you want to think about it as more than that, sure, but, if anyone is skeptical there are enough ways to think about it in your own world of "DB canon" to construe it in a way that isn't really that life threatening to other Clans.

Just think of it like this... this means Tarentum have half their Clan away from home, leaving home less well defended and those on duty at Antei under the close eye of the DC. After all, if they suddenly flew off stealing one of the ADGs they'd probably get shot to pieces by the other five ADGs before they escaped anyway. It's like British troops in Iraq, they can't run around doing their own thing, they have to plan around what the Americans are doing... if they ran off doing something stupid chances are the Americans would kick their asses before allowing them to threaten to security of their own troops.

British guy: "we're going to drop a bomb on basra"
American guy: "like hell you are."
americans sabotage british bomb

Or whatever, I'm aware that example is pretty dumb. Tarentum's only the "underdog" in Antei is my point.

I don't think that helps any, Goat. :P

BF... shhhh! When you say things like that, he will take another 10 pages to further explain his point!!! >:P

You shouldn't tell me to be quiet. You started it with your bitching about Tarentum. :P So, if Goat goes on a patented rant, I'm blaming you, Braecen.

<insert rant />

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