Dark Covenant Updated


Dark Covenant Updated


Section 8.03 - Process of Adjudication has received several minor edits and has been uploaded to the Dark Brotherhood website. In brief, we reordered the subsections, edited confusing language, and removed the Trial by Tribunal. Two new subsections were also added:

Section 8.03

(c) In addition, the Chamber has its own investigatory and complaint powers. The Chamber may proceed with its own investigation and complaint at its own discretion without the need for a member submission.

(l) Upon conclusion of the trial, the Justicar shall post the results in a Chamber of Justice Communique. This Communique shall contain a summary of the trial, the result, and the Justicar's opinion. For cases decided by Justicar, this opinion shall contain official explanation for the Chamber's decision. For cases decided by jury, it will contain the reasons for the specific sentence and any other comments the Chamber wishes to include.

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