Halc=Deputy Grand Master


Halc=Deputy Grand Master

Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Rokir has been appointed as the new Deputy Grand Master. Halc is one of those people who has excelled in every position he has every had.

Congrats Halc. I can't wait to work with you.

All hail Halc! That is, send a hail of arrows his way! Overthrow the tyrant!

Right, er, anyway. Im sure you won't fail the DB and become a non entity, reviled for eternity.

I'm sure you are qualified and will do as well as Mav did as DGM. All hail Mav, in the good way!

Halc Rocks.

Congrats, man.

Who's the new medal bitch then?

Awesome. Congratz, Halc!

Congratz Halc :)

Yay Halc! Congratulations!

Congrats Halc! You deserve it!

Out-freakin-standing! Congrats Halc!!

Grats Halc. Well Earned.

Congratulations ...gonna miss your short but sweet tyrannical reign as Chief Award Nazi though.

Congratulation on your promotion

Congrats, Halc. Well deserved. :)


Congratz Halc and I think youll make one of the best DGMs ever.

Congratulations, Halc. :D

Congrats, Halc! The reason for your appointment to this position wasn't because of your talent...it was your Family Crest and you know it. :) :)

woo Halc gratz

Bah, figures this would happen when I have medals to recc. Gah. I mean, grats Halc :P Go forth and do good things.

points at the MAA plate You gonna eat that? =P

Congrats, Halc!

Noooo! My Halc!




And on, and on...

Goooo Halcster!

Congrats man
I seriously won’t complain anymore,
I promise!

See i told everyone Halc would get DGM, but everyone was like
"noooo it's going to be Nephets! Die for Nephets!" :P

Grats Halc.

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