SA Trivia


SA Trivia

Just a quick reminder that there will be Shadow Academy hosted trivia in #shadowacademy at 1:00 (1300) pm EST this Saturday. There will not be a message board event this week.

Please participate in the poll about the platform for SA trivia (go to the polling center when you login to the Brotherhood site).

Finally, congrats go out to RevengeX and Halc for winning the message board event from last week (see the MB for answers/comments), and Impetus (1st), Phoenix, Gryffon, and Tyno (all tied for second) for winning the IRC event.

Who won the last trivia that was posted in the MB board? I submitted but I am highly curios on the answers.

I put the answers with the questions from last week (for the MB event). Answers/comments are in red underneath the answers.

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