Trivia/Runon Reminder


Trivia/Runon Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the SA message board trivia is still going on (it ends about 23 hours from this post). Here's the URL:

I should note that I've only received one entry so far. And, even if you don't win, I do e-mail clan leaders with the participation (which they'll get an e-mail on Tuesday for the past few trivia events).

Also, as the trivia is a shameless promotion for the run-on, here's another (I won't do it again, I promise). The run-on is still going, but I'd like to see more people participate.

Yeah. Just me, Aabs, and Vodo is lonely. :-(

I should also clarify something: I will continue to promote the run-on in news posts and reports. But, I won't do another trivia event based on it.

is this the Run On where you don't have to be a good writer to win?

There is a system in place that hopefully balances quantity and quality. So, you don't have to be the greatest writer in the world, and you still stand a chance at placing (1st, 2nd, or 3rd).

I have just joined, I guess you're 1 person less lonely now : )

R'deth Bay

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