New DJBWiki Staff Member!


New DJBWiki Staff Member!

Maxamillian von Oberst has been added to the DJB Wiki Staff. I don't have to really explain why - but I'll give you this:

  • He has an eye for detail.

  • He has style.

  • He has taste.

  • He has moxy.

  • He was a DV Editor.

He is also the featured article this week. Coincidence? Yes, actually.


Well...hell...didn't think it'd do that. Just c/p the link. :P


  1. backbone, determination and fortitude
  2. initiative or skill

Is nothing sacred? Oberst is working for The Man :P

good to see someone with "actual" talent for writing on a staff...good job Oberst

Congratz Oberst!

What you need to do now is create a Wiki SA Course, make it compulsary for all wiki staff members, and therefore nuke his claim to never having done an SA exam.

Well, Korras is supposed to be working on a wiki course (he has sent one draft in already). As for making it mandatory for Wiki staff, it is something we could consider (ultimately, I'll leave it to Kaine to decide, as the wiki is his domain, though I'll recommend it). But, there usually is a grandfather exception, but to finally get an SA course on Oberst's dossier, I'll really push making this mandatory :P

Xayun - Oberst worked on the DV, so he's worked for the Man before.

Ma'ar - WTF is that supposed to mean? :P

Mal - As Anshar stated a Wiki course is in the works. I refuse to force Oberst to take it. There's something to be said about having never taken one.

I'll start up a Wiki-related thread on the forum.

I'll resign before taking an SA course. :P

its called giving a complement to Oberst?

what, you didnt think I called all the wiki guys/gals stupid did you? :P

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