Report Delayed


Report Delayed

I know some people are heart-broken over this, but my report will have to be delayed this week. I've been wrapped up in a project for the past couple days that has just drained all my energy that would normally go into scouring the fan sites for some cool SW news.

I was kicking into high gear tonight to try to get it out today but it's now nearly midnight and I'm only about half-way done. Perhaps it will be ready by tomorrow, or perhaps I'll just be sick of it and walk away from it for a couple days. Who knows.

This project is for the DJB, but it's nothing wild... just time consuming. Muz has already been given a sneak peek at it, and he thinks it's looking great.

That is simply not acceptable! sniffs

To make up for it you must show me what it is you're working on >:)

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