Gaming Tribune Resignation


Gaming Tribune Resignation

yep, you read that right. I'm stepping down. why? simply put, I do not have the time to do all the positions properly that I am hoarding, and I simply want more free time. so something will have to make way.

I'm not leaving entirely, no. I'll still be PCON. I'll also still be around to offer advice to whoever will get to be T:G after me.

so, there you have it. have a good one, and don't hate me too much. :P

ZOMG h4te!!

Kraval is a nerd. :P

Thanks for all your work, Korras. Now, get back to work (for me), bitch. :P

We're all nerds BF, look at what sort of club this is :P But yes Korras, enjoy your PCONing.

JO Ladder + RevengeX = ___

Good luck as Proconsul! were Gaming Tribune? :P

Good luck with your PCON duties.

Rock on dude.

Also, Mali for Gaming Tribune >.<

Actually, that's next on my list after I take over the position of Deputy Combat Master. Or; as some would say; drink another :P

I could have sworn I was Gaming Tribune... Oh wait, that was god I was thinking about... god...

Thanks for everything Korras glad to have you as PCON!!!

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