Allegiance Removed as an Official Brotherhood Platform


Allegiance Removed as an Official Brotherhood Platform

After conferring with Sarin, Muz, and a few other Dark Council members it has been decided that Allegiance will no longer be a Brotherhood-supported platform. There are several reasons for this, but the main ones are that a) Allegiance is a massive online game that requires more players than the DB can provide for a "real" match, and b) Allegiance was played by a mere four individuals - all 1v1 matches. Sorta defeats the purpose of the game. And, coupled with the fact that it is not a Star Wars-themed game there is no point in adding it to our competitions.

So Allegiance will no longer be an acceptable platform for the Gaming Nights or ICTE, nor will it be used in future DB-wide Vendettas. However, if your House/Clan still wants to run competitions involving the game you are free to do so.

makes sweet, sharp, elbowy love to Shad

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