Request Mail Standards, Upcoming changes *UPDATED*


Request Mail Standards, Upcoming changes *UPDATED*

So, I got sick of making new filters for gmail with the request emails coming in, so I decided to make a standard for all of the mails that go out. It took me all night, but it's worth it.

Emails from the MAA side of the site will all now begin with one of the following four things:

[DJB MAA] Name Change Request
[DJB MAA] Unit Transfer Request
[DJB MAA] Medal Request
[DJB MAA] Promotion Request

** Two more for you **
[DJB MAA] Email Change
[DJB MAA] Order Change

Go ahead and set your filters up based off of those.

Also, just an FYI: I'm starting to change all of the email from the site over to an HTML format to make things a bit easier.

As for the next few days, I have a bunch of things to fix on the site and some other upgrades to make. Here's what's on the bug list already:

  • Anything to do with surnames, including reversions back to no surname
  • Editing relationships
  • Flickering browser when you try to look at relationships
  • House links on the dossiers
  • random issues with the autocomplete field at the top right of this page
  • No "Awesome, awesome man" title on my dossier.

I will remedy those things tomorrow. If you notice anything else, just email me or PM me.

Thanks for all the good feedback so far.


I couldn't find a topic about this in the MB so here goes.

On the normal Dossier (the summary tab) it lists your societies, but even if you are a member of the KSOE, it doesn't list this in the particular field, only in the ID tag.

Was this on purpose? Or was it amongst your to-do list?

Thanks in advance.

It never showed if you're in the society, why would it do it now?

I've always felt this was an oversight. The ACC membership is displayed, why not the KSOE membership? Granted, we are a much smaller group of members, but a Society nonetheless, at least for now.

Is there an easy way to do this? If not, I'll let it slide for now. If there is an easy way, can we get it done?

Thanks for all your work, Jac.

Envoy status added.

My pleasure, Macron.


Awesome Jac, thanks a bunch!

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