Adding/Updating Fleets on the Wiki


Adding/Updating Fleets on the Wiki

For those of you who are in the process, or are about to update your Clan's fleet information on the Wiki here are some general tips.

1) Before uploading new images check the Starfighters Category to see if there is one already up.

2) Instead of copying info from the SW Wiki, check to see if you can locate the same info on one of the DB's wiki pages, as there are formatting differences. It's easier just to copy the contents of a DB page (say X-Wings) and paste it into your new page.

3) For starfighters, or anything that isn't named individually (shuttles, troop transports, etc) create a SINGLE page in the same way as the former pages. That is: Ship Type - Clan (ex: TIE Defender - Taldryan)

If you want to add extra information on particular squadrons add headings on that page - you don't need a page per squadron.

4) For capital ships create each page individually in the same way as previous ships. That is: Ship's initials Ship name (ex: RSD Final Way).

5) What some of the Clans have done with their old fleet pages is shifted them to new categories (ex: [[Category:Taldryan Former OOB]] This will help you retain the history and information on your old fleet, while clearly separating it from the new one. Simply edit your old pages and change the [[Category: "Clan" OOB]] to [[Category: Former "Clan" OOB]

6) Don't add your new capital ships until you have names for them. Otherwise you'll have to move the page after a name is chosen and that leads to needless redirects. So wait til your Clan picks names, then add stuff.


Just as an added comment, this was how the original OOB was created on the wiki, and it worked very well. No need for each Clan to re-invent the wheel when the previous version worked just as well. This also makes it easier for everyone searching for specific information

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