Layout changes


Layout changes


We've made the decision to drop support for 800x600 resolution users on the website. Those visitors make up less than 1% of all of our traffic.

The constraints of the 800x600 size don't allow us to expand the website functionality well. With most users using at least a 1024x768 resolution, we are moving up to focus on them.

Unfortunately, this means I have to drop some layouts. The Cyris Episode III Sith style has been updated to reflect the new size, but we are dropping support for the Krath and Obelisk versions of that. Also going away are Shin'Ichi's version of the same.

Those other versions are gone permanently: they were on the chopping block soon anyway due to their menu structure and some needed changes to the DB layouts overall. Sorry to those of you who used them.

Also: the Code Gorilla Text style has been expanded also.

These changes give me an extra 210 pixels to work with. Yay!


Jac is awesome.

thats yet to be determined. Just kiddin boss. good idea but what about the exodius versions of the layouts????

Nice "I am a nerd and ashamed of it" layout. keeps it simple. You should also add the "I look like a porn site but am not" so we can attract more of the male crowd we are so desperately lacking.

Oh the porn layout exists... you just need special access to view it :P

What was it really hurting to have one 800X600 layout available for those who do prefer it?

Boo, I lost my layout. There are no more nice purple ones (the other Krath one's far too pink).

... but Jac's still awesome anyway :P

Ras, the fact that it doesn't necessarily work with coming updates to the site, and would thus need extra work to keep everything working? that is, if you don't want to end up with funky errors, because the CSS doesn't know how to handle things.

Exodus layouts aren't going anywhere....yet. They may change in a while.

Lannie: sorry! We'll eventually have something purply back up for ya.


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