New ACC Hall


New ACC Hall


Some of you may have already noticed, but a new Hall was added a week or two ago to the ACC site. It is titled "Quick Skirmish" and can be found HERE.

The idea behind this Hall is to have quick and fun matches where you will earn yourself CFs and have the change to also grab a Pendant of Blood at the end of the month with the most wins. You can find the general rules on the Hall itself, but I'll quickly list them here as well.

  • All battles are 2+2

  • There is a 7 day post limit

  • Min post count of 200 words (no maximum)

  • All time-outs are deleted. Only full battles count

  • No extensions on battles are granted

All other ACC rules apply, and judging is still based on the regular criteria. Also, for there is a chance for Crescents as well, so hop on over to the Competition Page.

I hope to see everyone who can jump in and have some fun with it. Good luck, everyone!

CF for writing?

how wierd

CFs have been given out plenty of times for ACC related competitions, as the entire point of the ACC is to be a "gaming platform" for writers. The idea of handing out CFs for ACC matches isn't new

My name is Shadow Taldrya and I approve this message.

Also... I DID have sexual relations with that woman.

Are wins/losses counted towards your ACC sheet or is it like the clan halls where they don't?

No, wins/losses aren't included on your CS, due to the extremely short and quick nature of the matches

That's good... gives me a chance to improve my combat writing skills without messing up my win/loss count... as I am crap at ACCing; love the character sheets, just crap at ACCing. :P

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