Envoy Coding, Site Speed


Envoy Coding, Site Speed

Hello again. Three quick things:

  1. Yeees. I am well aware that still 24 hours after Sarin the envoys coding still exists in the site. You really don't need to email me about it to remind me to take it down (six of your friends already did). I read reports too. The envoys have code tentacles all over the site. It will take a few days.

B. Noooo. There are no plans to modify the Rollmaster position at this time. If you want a change, propose it to Sarin and Kraval. No, I will not give RMs medal permissions. Again, propose the change to Sarin and Kraval.

III. I've been in touch with support about the performance of the website hosting. They've made some changes to our application pool that will speed things up.


Jac = <3

Double posting on the news? What a n00b!

1., B, and III?That's just wrong, man. Just plain wrong. Thanks for the update, though.

I'm going to go ahead and throw out a preemptive no to any proposal to modify the RM position for medal rec'ing abilities. Why? We have BTLs, AEDs, QUAs, PCONs, and CONs that already have the ability to do so and should be watching their members anyway.


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