Another ACC Quickie


Another ACC Quickie

Just a heads up, stay away from #acc. Erinyes tried to get a hold of Sharad to have him transfer manager status to her, but Sharad never got back to her or something. In light of that, X was lost in that channel, and long story short, other people came in and took it over. I was considering stopping its use for any ACC-related activities, and this has really sealed the deal. So, if you made it a habit to stop by there at any point, don't. I looked in there today, and I didn't see any DB people in there, so you probably already know, but I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of this.

quickie!!!! I checked the channel and there is a bunch of fuck heads there. Can't we make an "Antei" Channel or something?

Thanks for the warning.

#anteicombatcenter has a nice ring to it....

How about #omgdowereallyneedanaccchannelrightnow? At the moment, I wonder if people are getting too channel crazy. If you have questions about the ACC, the Judges and Trainers (and myself) hang out in #db and other channels, and are readily-accessible there. There's also email. And, the one resource people seem to overlook a lot, the members of your own Clans who have ACC experience.

I don't think the ACC needs its own channel right now, to be perfectly honest.

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