HRLD Critter Christmas: Day Two


HRLD Critter Christmas: Day Two

So, I started sneaking into the homes of all the bad boys and girls and after stealing some of their possessions, I decided to return some love to them. Today, I present to you the Chimera lightsaber, created by our own Deputy Grand Master, as well as the Huntress robes for females at the rank of Equite 1.

I hope you all enjoy!

-KPN Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu
Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

I'z is in love with the new HRLD and DGM style sabers and robes... Keep them coming! <3

That will totally fit my boobs.

That saber looks eerily similar to the phallic region of said HRLD :P

Awesome work!!

Day 3!! Day 3!! Day 3!!

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