Announcements - Chancellor


Announcements - Chancellor

1) Howie's Crazy Competition Medal Competition is still proceeding nicely...but I'd like more submissions! I'm pretty pleased with the number so far...but I'm always happy for more.

2) CoL Awardees (In no particular order):
--Dark Brotherhood--

GM Firefox
OBM Khobai
DJK J'rai
SBL Goatham
SBM Tarkin
KP al'Lan Mandragoran
KAP Enahropes Teriad Entar
KAP Cooch
KAP Sabe
DJK Hermann
KAP Kaiann
KAP Troutrooper
SBM Gord Darkonian
SBM Proton
KP Sith Bloodfyre
SW Wil Striker
DA Grail SoulChaser
DA Mairin
DJP Astatine
SBL Yacko
KAP Aseret Thunderhawk
KAP Cirith Rogenshar
SW Malik

My Congratulations to all of them!

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