ACC Event: Heat of the Moment


ACC Event: Heat of the Moment

There is a little confusion with how the OOC text came out for this event. I'm hoping to quickly clear it up, as the event itself is very straightforward.

It is your standard 1v1 event. All of the specific rules are linked on the GJW site and the Hall itself. Regular ACC rules also apply. You can challenge (and fight) anytime for the next two week. All challenges stop by the start of Week 4 and remaining battles are completed thereafter. Also, you cannot challenge your own Clan

So, get out there and start challenging!

DJM Halcyon Rokir
Combat Master

P.S. Feel free to challenge me. I will not refuse any challenges

Taking on all challengers Halc? Brave of you. LOL

It was in the Heat Of The Moment.

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