GJW - Week 4 Results


GJW - Week 4 Results

Below I will give the Clan and individual placings for the "Elimination" event, which was the only event to end after Week 4. But first, let's start off with a current standings update:

Overall Standings
With the Week 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 event placings and participation totaled, the current official GJW standings are:

ARC - 1016.77
CSP - 942.23
TAL - 914.78
CP - 824.76
CNS - 742.3
TAR - 661.3

"Elimination" Gaming Event Results
Individual Results
1. JScumm (ARC)
2. Angelo Dante (CSP)
3. Taigikori Aybara (ARC)
4. Michael Arkarso (CSP)
5. Dox Romanae(TAR)
6. Frosty Tarentae (TAR)
7. RevengeX Palpatine (CSP)
8. Tirano Yamayura (ARC)
9. Wolvie (ARC)
10. Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo (TAL)

Clan Results
1. Arcona
2. Scholae Palatinae
3. Tarentum
4. Taldryan
5. Plagueis
6. Naga Sadow

Week 4 Trivia Results
1. Jac Cotelin (20 correct, 00:02:37)
2. William Darkfire (20 correct, 00:49:39)
3. Taigikori Aybara (19 correct, 00:01:27)
4. Jaysun Adumarii (18 correct, 00:04:06)
5. Ric "Blade" Hunter (18 correct, 00:04:22)
6. Nekura Manji Keibatsu (18 correct, 00:04:39)
7. Dock Alfar (18 correct, 00:06:09)
8. Chaosrain Taldrya (18 correct, 00:07:49)
9. Scion Altera (18 correct, 00:08:04)
10. Legorii Kryotek Entar (18 correct, 00:10:03)

First off - congrats to Arcona for being the first Clan to break 1000 GJW points!

Secondly - before I get questions from you guys about the Elimination scoring...yes, it was divided up into two ladders on the ladder page. This was done so that people would have more opportunities to play (say you lost 3 JO matches in day 1, you could have still played matches on the other ladder after that). However, for the purposes of scoring it was just 1 event, not two - so the points were added together from the two ladders and that gave the placements.

Also I want to stress that none of the Clans is out of the race yet. In addition to the events of the next two weeks, there are the long-running events. As my post said earlier this week, there are several events (Team gaming, trivia, puzzle) that run through the whole GJW and have their points added in at the very end. These events could change the leader-board quite a bit.

As the GJW goes on I get more and more excited while tallying the scoring, because week-by-week the scores continue to be so close. Keep pouring it on!

*Edit: I had to fix a couple typos - it was the elimination "gaming" event, and the week "4" trivia. Sorry!

Why weren't we informed in the first place that the events were not separated? :(

Well, the fact that it was only listed as "Elimination" on the GJW website and not "Elimination 1" and "Elimination 2" (as it was for Skirmish 1 & 2) was supposed to indicate it was just 1 event. I probably should have made that more clear - I apologize for that.

there are several events (Team gaming, trivia, puzzle)

No <3 for the SA. Denied.

The SA is too busy being dead.

Must be something with implementing and live testing a new system in the midst of all of the events. :P

Whoops - I forgot to add the SA event and the RO event to that list. So yeah...lots of events will be added into that last weeks score.

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