Exodus Results & Praetor’s Presents


Exodus Results & Praetor’s Presents

Well the Herald’s Exodus has ended and just like the last competition the HRLD’s Office ran we only received 3 submission. Like I said you could have sent in the crappiest submission and if you where one of those three you would still be getting a medal. Here are the 3 participates/winners:

1st Place: Joseem

2nd Place: Archangel

3rd Place: Jscumm

Congrats & you awards should be in the mail. Now on to April’s second competition from the HRLD’s Office.

Praetor's Presents

April 18th is my birthday. I will be celebrating 20 years of life. Being Praetor to the Herald & a producer of finely crafted badassery (as Shikyo put it) it only seems right that I receive the best of gifts from the many members of this amazing brotherhood. So what will YOU get me for my birthday?!? Draw, Design, create, or take a picture of the present you would give to me for my birthday. Is it new armor? Maybe a sword? 20 beautiful Twi'leks? A bottle of Spice Corellian Rum? So what will it be? I look forward to my presents ;)

This competition starts today and will end on April 30th. Have fun with it as usual and remember to send submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

His Honor, Templar Jeric Cyrin

Praetor to the Herald

Weird, we have the same birthday....

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