Praetor to the Herald Report


Praetor to the Herald Report

Well its been just over a month since Shikyo left us to play around on boats. So far serving in the capacity of the Herald has been exactly as I expected it would be. Shikyo prepared me well and so far it has more than paid off. Now on to business; As you probably have noticed the Herald’s Office has been running monthly graphics comps. To say the least participation in the past two was less then I had hoped for. However the most recent, Praetor’s Presents had 12 submissions. As April comes to an end so does my birthday competition and so here are the results:

1st Place: Cado H’darr - What is better than a sexy Asian with a samurai sword? Nothing. She can serve two rolls, my bodyguard & my “massage therapist” :P

2nd Place: Sidarace Rathden - As Sid put it, Armor that is fit for a Herald & forged by the GM’s Staff. Thanks buddy ;)

3rd Place: Ekeia Iclo - Before Shikyo left we had a meeting and I came in late. Shikyo deemed me the pretty princess for the month and as such Keia felt I needed this. LOL

I thank everyone for the Birthday wishes and all the presents but in the end only three could win. May’s competition will start on mother’s day, details can be found HERE! With all that said lets move on to the sexiness!

Jendan Morgana

Raiju Kang

Cado H’darr

Completed by Dralin:

Tyyravis Nami Dantes

Methyas Arcturi L'eonheart


Koga Kage

Araxis "Stormreaver" Farron

Severon Vercingatorix

Completed by Ekeia:


Zod Ramiel

Damian Voss


Sato Tarentae

Raiju Kang

Archean Erinos Tarentae

After seeing the commission that Deviantart user, Jedi-Art-Trick, did for Tarentum’s Consul I had to look into one for myself. Yes the Praetor to the Herald having someone else make a character image for him, shows how good this guy is at drawing. Alright on to the picture…..but first a little background on myself: Jeric was born in the Tapani Sector and his family is one of 345 noble families within Tapani Society. Because the Cyrin Family was a ruling family within one of the Noble Houses of the Sector members where given the aristocratic rank of Lord/Lady. Jeric went on to join his House’s military becoming an officer for the navy.

As you could probably tell I am very pleased with the work done and I think the picture depicts Jeric very very well. Ronovi was right when she said she found his work to be worth every penny. If you would like a commission done for yourself & have an extra $40 laying around then go ask him for one:

Well I am off to create some more sexiness for everyone. Till next time!

His Honor, Templar Jeric Cyrin

Praetor to the Herald

Wow, that's a great picture by Jedi-Art-Trick! Glad to see you're as happy with his work as I was, Jeric. Anyone with some spare cash should definitely consider a commission from this guy!

Sexy report mate! Yay for sexy gfxness!

Oh and just in case anyone is wondering.....that is a lightcane cause I am a badass pimp :)

Modest, too. :P

Nice baton!

Beaten by Tila Tequila . . . pah!

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