New TFUII Cinematic Trailer


New TFUII Cinematic Trailer

This Exclusive Cinematic Trailer for The Force Unleashed II entitled “Betrayal” premiered last night on Gametrailers. It is an epic trailer and I’ve got to say that Galen is one of the most badass force users I have ever seen.

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His Honor, Templar Jeric Cyrin
Praetor to the Herald

Consoles are ruining the gaming scene.This will probably turn into a stupid console port with great cinematics, again. I think I speak for everyone when I say " Give us Jedi Outcast 2 " :P. I know every kid nowadays wants Vader and Justin Bieber but some of us still like classic rock.

Agreed with you.

But, you can't deny one thing, that trailer is badass. Shame it just threw to the garbage every canon aspect about the chosen one's legendary power. xD

The Chosen One's power (assuming Vader was the chosen one), has been downgraded for years. It started with the hypothesis that your Midiclorian count determines force potential, and by losing limbs and parts of his body, he lost power. GL said something after the release of TFU I that in terms of power in the SW universe circa 15 BBY, the Emperor is first most powerful, followed by Galen, then Vader.

I really wasn't impressed by the trailer. Besides having a second saber it seems like the same moves used in the first game. Sure it's badass, but what about actual game information? Clones? That's really original.

I'd much rather wait a few days for the new TOR cinematic at E3, because that will be awesome. This is..... it just doesn't get me excited for the game

It was awesome, though it would be better suited as a movie almost. Predictably, Vader looking at Galen's clones means that he's probably going to activate one of them (probably one of the deranged ones that he can still control) and send it after Galen. (Ala Jedi Marek facing Sith Warrior Starkiller in the Jedi Temple)

While this game looks exciting in terms of story and some of the moves look original, I'm much more excited for TOR, as Aabs said. But the truth is, I'll probably still pick this game up, seeing as it comes out the day after my birthday. ;P

I'm sure he'll activate all the clones and Marek will have to kill them slowly throughout the game, and at some point, maybe the end, he'll have to go destroy the cloning station. I hope the end battle isn't another Vader, though, but a Super Marek Clone doesn't seem to interesting either. I don't know. I was going to get the Collector's Edition, but now I'm not going to buy it at all at least for a few months.


With TFU, I generally enjoyed the story and the ideas behind it, despite the fact (or maybe because of the fact) that incorporating the story into canon made Luke seem a lot less special.

However, the gameplay really bugged me. The boss fights weren't fun or enjoyable at all. It seemed like every single one was the same: try to survive long enough to get into enough saber/force locks that you could damage the boss to death...because they always ALWAYS block normal saber/force attacks.

I'm a big fan of TFU, too. The sequel just... eh, I don't know. I like the story of the original and how the Rebel Alliance was kind of created by the Empire and then it brought the Empire now. It's nice irony. Boss fights, though, yeah, I see what you're saying. Whenever I played it boss it was always about running around until you could force push them onto the ground. Then you run up and do the saber stab thing, major damage.

My stance on this trailer: pure, unadulterated lightsaber porn. I am very much looking forward to this game because it looks like it'll be a big goddamn romp through a gamut of Force powers; like the first one, only shinied up even more.

Yeah, the trailer is awesome graphics wise and how detailed they went into the mechanics of how it all worked out. But to me it looked more like a polished version of the last game, but with this one Marick is a fugitive now and doesn't seem to have as many attachment issues as he did in the first game.

That aside, I <3 the hue of his lightsabers. They are wicked sick, and it is nice to finally see what a real blue saber would look like =P

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