Sttar Wars Blu-Ray & Other News


Sttar Wars Blu-Ray & Other News

Was going to wait until my report, but I thought this bit of news released earlier today deserved it's own post.

Star Wars on Blu-Ray

The Star Wars Saga will be released on Blu-Ray and you can begin pre-ordering now. You can order either the prequels (ugh), the original movies or the complete set. Pre-Ordering from Amazon does give you a nice discount over what will be the regular price.

Knight Errant

A new novel, Star Wars: Knight Errant, is going to be released on January 25th. It stars the character from the current comic of the same name, and takes place prior to the introduction of Darth Bane.

Trooper Dossier

More information has been released on the Trooper Class from The Old Republic. Have a look if you think you'll be interested in playing that class.

In Darkness,

DJM Halcyon Taldrya

Voice of the Brotherhood

$139 for all 6 movies, and 30hrs of extra footage....yes sir, Ill be snagging this for sure in September 2011

I believe if you pre-order from Amazon, it's $90

Hey I'm glad we all love "Sttar Wars" HAHA I <3 Halc

/me sighs

First my family bought the complete box set before Lucas added the scenes he originally intended to have. Then we got the updated versions. OH! But then the prequels began coming out. So we got the first two episodes on VHS. Due to someone gifting us a DVD player one year, I decided to go out and buy the DVD release of the Original series and the first two prequels. Finally, once the third prequel hit the market I snagged that one too. Despite having... too many versions of these I will be pre-ordering this. Well played Lucas, well played.

Halc...for someone who's supposedly in charge of the Fiction in the DB, your spelling sure does suck. :P

<3 Halc

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