NS QUA Report, the Third - 2/9/2011


NS QUA Report, the Third - 2/9/2011


Greetings, True Believers! I just have a few nuggets of brain-candy to slide in your ear, and then you can be on your way.

As you know, the AWOL check has been completed, and we’ve come through it with the most responses out of all of our Dark Bretheren. My heart (or, at least the empty cold vacuum that it used to live in) bursts with pride at this, but it doesn’t mean that our work is done.

Not by a sight.

In paring our numbers down to the very strong 51 we’re currently boasting, the level of expectation has significantly been raised. We must begin maturing the culture we’ve worked very hard to create ‘round these parts, and Communication and Ownership is going to directly affect that.

We can no longer afford to shun communication, folks. We must, to a man, reach out to all within our halls, to make sure that they are having the best time that they can. From the most tenured Elder to the newest Journeymen, the lines of communication must remain open…not only to commend one another, but to admonish when it’s needed. That’s how we, as leaders, learn. That’s how we, as members, grow. And that’s how we, as Sadowans, will continue to remain strong.

The other piece of this is going to be the Ownership part. Sure, it’s easy to claim your part in our glory when we succeed, but can you step up and claim Sadow for ALL we encompass, weaknesses and failings included? In doing so, you do not indict us…no, you strengthen us, True Believer. In Owning who we are from top to bottom, it enables us to focus with honesty and integrity each and every able mind that calls Naga Sadow home towards our greatest glory.

I’d like to take this time to officially welcome back some of our wayward souls, true Prodigals, as it were: Ashia Kagan, Sanjuro and Shin’ichi Keibatsu have returned to us from their journeys in Revan space! Do your best to make them feel welcome, especially the latter. Shin is, after all, my Master…I know, I know; mind-blowing. But to answer your question, yes: even I, the Afro Himself, had a Master!


The NS Summit held a Conclave this past weekend and there’ll be some changes coming down the pipe regarding the way we conduct our business, both as a Summit and as a House. This is fresh off the heels of our Internal Report, and our DC is currently in the midst of reviewing my feedback to the GM’s feedback…all in all, it was a very positive experience. The state of our House is Strong, beloveds. And it is thanks to you.

It is your resourcefulness that has eased us through these most interesting of times, and regardless of what adjustments we must make in the coming days, weeks, and months, I am supremely confident we’ll easily absorb those as well.

Also, as a result of the Conclave, awards will be forthcoming, so keep an eye on the mailer, folks. You’ve done your Summit proud by the amount of activity you’ve produced in recent days, and it has not gone beyond our notice.


Folks, the ‘Distrust, Burden & Loathing’ Tri-House Event wraps up this week; make sure you’re polishing off those last minute entries! Regardless of how we place overall (pwnthem), I’m happy with the participation. Further, it has given me a gauge of what we need to work on to remain competitive for the next DB-Wide (ahem, it’s in April!) event. Get ready for some assessment, peoples! ;)

Also, Ashura and some key folks are working on the launch of our next House event: Fractured Mirror II! It’ll be an Artisan’s Competition, something we’ve brought back due to popular demand. This is a great chance to think a bit outside of the norm, and details will be forthcoming.

You’ll also want to do your very best in submitting to the below. I’ve hinted at it in mailers and such, but these are truly the best ways to earn those shinys that net you that all-important Prestige, and, more importantly, expose your work and talent to Judges that may not be indoctrinated in the richness that is Us. That way, when the Big Stuff comes around, you won’t be in the dark as to how best impress the Judges…they’ll already know that we’re the Gold Standard. Can ya dig it? I knew that you could.

Brotherhood-wide Competitions

[FIST] Halo Reach Tournament - Deadline: March 5th 2011

[FIST] BF2 Space Only - Deadline: February 28th 2011

[FIST] RC Team Up - Deadline: February 28th 2011


[FIST] Special Gaming Event: Sins of a Solar Empire - Deadline: February 28th 2011

[FIST] Starcraft II - Deadline: February 28th 2011

[HM] 2011 Brotherhood "Draft" - Deadline: February 28th 2011

[VOICE] Bi-Weekly Mission #1 - Clue - Deadline: February 14th 2011

[VOICE] Bows and Arrows - Deadline: February 28th 2011

[VOICE] Will you be a Valentine? - Deadline: February 28th 2011

2v1 ACC Competition - Deadine: February 28th 2011

Valentine's Day - Deadline: February 14th 2011

House-wide Competitions

Burden, Distrust and Loathing - Deadline: February 10th 2011

IT'S A DRAGOON!!!! - Deadline: February 15th 2011


In closing, I’d like to thank all of you for your tremendous efforts, on both the front lines and in the background, towards our collective success. We’ll reap the fruits soon enough. ‘All things are revealed in the fullness of Time’, after all… ;)



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