Forum Migration is Complete


Forum Migration is Complete

Ladies and Gents,

The forum migration took longer than expected (sorry about that), but we are now on a themed (I still need to work on the forum images) phpBB 3 installation. <span style="color:red;">There are a few things to look out for</span>:

1) Anyone that had their forum email address set to the same email address on the DJB site has had their passwords synchronized with the main DJB site (e.g. your forum password will match your DJB site password). For those of you that do not have matching email addresses, you'll need to use the "Forgot Password" link to request a new one.

2) Permissions may be somewhat wonky. I tried to set them up as appropriate but I'm sure I messed them up somehow.

3) Sidarace...I had to change your username to Sidarace because your old username wasn't playing nice with moderator assignments.

If anyone finds anything super wonky, post here in the comments or send me an email.


<span style="color:yellow;">UPDATE:</span>

All users that had single quotes in their username have had them removed. phpBB doesn't play nicely with single quotes in the username.

I was going to work on better images for the forum theme tonight...but I just realized the time. Those will come tomorrow night, perhaps?

And of course, people will need to re-upload their avatars and most likely tweak their signatures.

I think I'm in love with you.

Using FF 3.6, the forum display is much wider than the screen, requiring you to scroll (quite a bit) to reach the top bar login/user control stuff. Just a heads up as I don't know if anyone else is having this problem.

Shad, that should be fixed now. Thanks for the report!

Sweet Orv. One other thing I'd like to point out as (I think) it happened to me. Despite having the same email address for both DB site and forum, my DB site password was only 5 letters in length, whereas the new forum requires 6. I had to use the request password function and set things up that way.

Just a heads up in case anyone experiences a similar situation.

I woke up to SPAM on the new forums, so before work I threw together a script that forces a registering user to use an email address that exists in the DJB site.

So, for whatever reason, even though (I think) my email for the main site( is the same as the forum, it's not showing up. And, when I tried the only other email address I could think of having registered there with (, it says no. What would I do to check what email is actually on there? And quite frankly, if it is a different one on there, how would i change it? I don't have access to any other accounts it might have been.

Strangely enough, my e-mail and password on the DJB site matched with my forum e-mail and password before the forums were updated, and I still was forced to update my password. Just thought I'd point that out in case anyone else dealt with the same thing.

I think I may have had an old email address linked to my forum account, and now when I try to request a new password, it won't work.

@Sith and @Dralin, I've set both of your emails to the ones you have on the site. You both should be able to request a new password now using the "forgot password" link.

@Ronovi...that's weird. Perhaps your password was shorter than the forum thought it should be. Sorry about that!

Thanks Orv!

The new Forum kicks tail for speed... MwahahahaHAH! Great job!

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