The SHW Speaks!


The SHW Speaks!

Welcome to another exciting day in the life of the SHW.  I'm really tired and bored... I guess it's my own fault for staying up until 6am getting my ass kicked in JK... a note to every other Sith member out there... we belong in the sky, don't come down :P  
Anyways, onto actual news.  

1.) Well, I had to work with the guys at CrystalTech to get the databases functioning properly, and I JUST got it working, as far as I know, so I guess we can now officially say, the Sith Website has moved to: and it's just in time for it to recieve a new and improved splash page image. Yay!
As for the actual programming of the site... it's 2nd on my programming to do list. So I should be able to start working on it again in a week or twos time. Until then, the news page will have to suffice for all.

2.) I haven't heard back from Striker yet about the most recent things, so I'm going to have to email him again soon. I said I'd keep you all posted... and hey, I'm keeping everyone posted :P

3.) The Sith Wars are coming along nicely, with lots of help from my developement team. We've already chewed the first draft to pieces, swallowed it, and spit out a much better, and slightly more polished version of them. No set start date yet... it'll be a suprise, but I suggest everyone start warming up their skills, you're going to need them!

4.) Just a reminder to all Sith Aediles, I will be requiring Bi-Weekly (at the very least) reports from you. Some of the Clans don't like this policy, and they haven't been abiding by it. Well, tough luck, you don't have to enjoy doing reports, but you do have to do them. QUAs, you have to do weekly reports, just so you don't think you're all off the hook too :P

5.) Once again, compete in XO/DGM Astatine's Prelude to Andevia Competition. If you're as confused as to what "Andevia" is, as I am, then we're in a strange place. Either way, get flying on it, it will be good exercise for the upcoming Sith Wars. Also, the SHW is open to challenges on the XvT ladder, even if I may not have all the time in the world to fly them. Look for me on IRC, if you don't see me, ask if I'm there, I go by strange nicknames :P
You can Find Andevia at:

6.) The "APPEASE THE SHW" Image competition ends tomorrow at midnight. There's only one winner, will it be you? Not unless you submit the pictures to me! Lets get going already! (

7.) CALLING ALL MISSION CREATORS! If you are interested in designing, and/or creating Missions for the Dark Brotherhood, please email SHW Yacko ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and P:SHW Jeff Loruss ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Be sure to include your ID-Line, and which platforms you are interested in designing missions for.

8.) As seen above, I have a new email address. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] please feel free to use it. I'll be making the slow transition of moving from yahoo to that, so please update your books, and email me at the new one.

9.) A big congratulations go out to JH Dark Hawk of House Galthain today. JH Dark Hawk has comiled a complete (fictional) history of the Sith Order, using facts from the Star Wars universe. In reward for this task (something he did on his own intuition), JH Dark Hawk has been awarded the Ruby Sceptre. Go him!

10.) The SSD Avenger has a current compliment of 82, the ISD Subjugator has a compliment of 41, and Tau Squadron has a compliment of 11. This makes a total Dark Brotherhood contingent of 135 in the TIE Corps. Yay us, we r0x0r.

11.) Am I done?

12.) Yep, I'm done. Enjoy complaining about having wasted a minute of your life on reading this :P


Sith Warlord Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor
Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood
Flight Member of the Grand Master's Escort, Tau**

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