IG Event - Operation: Urgent Transport


IG Event - Operation: Urgent Transport

My event - Operation: Urgent Transport - for the Independent Games is now available for participation. This event will last for the entire length of the IGs.


  • The event requires authentication.

  • The event is timed, though you can execute the phases over the course of the IGs...it is not a whoever-can-finish-as-close-to-the-news-posting-as-possible event.

  • Winners will be determined by who completes the most phases in the shortest overall time

  • These are the Independence Games...do this independently. No sharing answers.


You're a fiend, Orv. I love this.

Orv = EVIL!!!!

At 24 and at 48 hours, Phase 4 unlocks new hints (for those struggling).

For those aren't sure if Orv deserves the Silver Sash (he does). Here's the only reason you need:

He's made an old panda obsess over an event. :P

+waits 24 hours+ im soo stuck on phase 4, my head exploded 2x sofar O_O

orv puts the F U N in FrUstratioN

Dang. I was trying to put the F U in Fun.

sorry guy cant be great at everything :p

Phase 5 is a pain :(

That was awesome...but I hate you, just a little bit. :P

will all phases have extra hints? +stock on username for phase 5+ its probably so ez and im just making it harder then it really is ><

Phases 4 and 5 have extra hints after you've been stuck on them for 24 hours.

ok good, cus i got the pw just not the un i tried everything from b4 and stuff related (trying not to give out to much) hahaha

Ha! That was awesome. Great job, Orv :)

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