Ultimate TOR Competition Reminder


Ultimate TOR Competition Reminder

Hey DB!

Here's just a quick reminder to those of you who play TOR and HAVEN'T gotten a screen shot of your character submitted for this competition.

It's quite simple, really: Snag a screenie of your character (bonus points if he/she is performing his/her #1 attack, or doing a super sexy force power) and send it to the following email addresses by the 20th of January:

[Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

I've received an entry from every unit within the DJB, and I'd like to receive even more by the end it's run time, which is on this coming Friday! The screen shots are looking fantastic, fellas. Keep it up! I'm still waiting for Muz or Halc to get theirs in... ;)

Thanks, and how about them VOICE competitions, eh?

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