House Galeres Aedile Applications Open!


House Galeres Aedile Applications Open!

Legorii has been focusing on his studies as of late. And, aside from his participation in Horizons, he feels that the time he will have in the future to fully devote himself to the smooth running of Galeres will be restricted. As a result, he has tendered his resignation. I would like you to all join me in extending your appreciation for the work Legorii has put in during his tenure as Aedile, and wish him luck with his College endeavours.

Thank you, Legorii. You've been a star.

This does, however, mean that the position of Galeres Aedile is now open for application. We have decided to open applications up Brotherhood-wide to beat the snakes from the grass, to use one of our Grand Master's favourite adages.

This does mean that, should you be a member of a different unit and you throw in an application, the Arconan Clan Summit (Myself and Wally) will forward the unsuccessful applications back to the respective unit leaders to show which members are interested in leadership within their particular unit.

That way, we can ensure that everyone's prospects are understood by the current leadership, and can be accommodated accordingly.

Nevertheless, onto the requirements.

We expect applicants to understand the position (general duties outlined below) and to possess the following qualities:

Duties will include

  • Aiding the Quaestor in an array of tasks pertaining to the general management of Galeres

  • Membership management

  • Regular reports

  • A working relationship with the Clan Summit and Quaestor

  • A strong rapport and working relationship with the Galerean Members

  • Organising and implementing changes and updates in Galeres' general/fictional development

  • Aiding the Quaestor in general house management, including projects and miscellaneous tasks

  • Sitting on the Clan Summit

  • Acting as an intermediary between the House Summit and Battleteams

  • Punctual representation

  • Assertive Behaviour

  • A basic understanding of Arcona and its general politics.

What we expect to see in your application

  • What qualities you have as a person

  • A minimum rank of GRD/JH or above

  • 72 hour maximum e-mail turnaround, with a preference of 24 hours or less.

  • A detailed 30/60/90 Plan for what you intend to do during your tenure as Galerean Aedile.

  • Your personal achievements (including any medals you deem worthy enough to include) and abilities.

  • Your leadership track record (if applicable).

  • What you can bring to the table in Galeres.

  • How you believe you can fulfill all of the criteria listed above.

  • IRC presence is imperative.

Applications will close on Monday 5th November 2012.

Applications are to be sent to myself, Marick, Sanguinius, Muz and Halc.

We look forward to seeing what you can bring to the table.

_In Darkness,

~Wuntila Entar Arconae,

Consul of Clan Arcona_

Congratulations on your time served, Legz. Galeres is better off thanks to your hard work.

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