Update from the P:Voice


Update from the P:Voice

Hey everyone, just a quick heads up. The Business End (of Lust) is complete, as is Load the Can(n)ons. We didn't have any entries for Load, but Business End has been judged and awarded, so, without further ado, the people who sent me good poetry that may have come close to pr0n without going over are...

1st. Ronovi

2nd. Akatsuki

3rd. Dante

So, there you have it. We're over halfway finished with the 7 Deadly Poems competition series. Next up is Gluttony, which I'll be officially requesting some time tonight or tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled. (Incidentally, this is also a good way to see what other kinds of things are up for doing at any given time.)

I'll be linking that plus the next Load competition in a day or two. Before I go though, you all should be checking out the new information up on the main page, below this. Lots of happenings and goings on. Take a look, see for yourself.

  • OP Mirado Pepoi L'eonheart

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