Dark Crusade Prologue: Launched!


Dark Crusade Prologue: Launched!

The Dark Crusade Prologue is underway. The following links will point your team in the right direction.

  1. The Dark Crusade Prologue Wiki page includes your phase one mission objectives, potential NPC adversaries, and additional run-on information. Start with this page: http://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Dark_Crusade_-_Prologue

  2. Team Assignments have been updated due to a cloning fiasco. Team numbers and assignments were minimally impacted. Team assignments can be found at: Awesome Google Doc

**Team numbers have changed! Make sure you know your team number!

  1. The run-ons are posted on the forums and include the rules, graders, and additional game information. The forum is here: Steal Muz the Avenger II! Your initial team post is already made and numbered.

Good luck everyone. Take it easy on Reaper and Frost.

What ship makes are present in the hangar, including the shuttle that got us there?

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