Run On Rules


Run On Rules

Pushing my badly coded news post down. Not an excuse, but the whole DC is taking shots right now. Muz said these were too long for the website, so.....Run on rules!

Forum URLs: Khar Delba: Here! Rhelg: <a href->Here!<p> Rules:<p>

Welcome to the Dark Crusade Run On. The following rules are in effect:<p>

  1. Teams will consist of five players from within their House or Clan.

  2. Teams will begin their run on by posting their team name, the members of their team (pin and rank). The subject line of the initial post will consist of your team name and your House or Clan. Example: Team Fleshstache: Clan Naga Sadow.

  3. 250 word minimum per post.

  4. 1000 word maximum per post.

  5. Players must post a minimum of 2 times per phase.

  6. Players may post as many times as they desire.

  7. Edits may occur on a post until a follow on post has been made (follow on posts include "reserving" a space). Only the author may edit their post on the forums. Admin use on the forums during the run on is expressly prohibited for participants.

  8. Members may reserve post, but no posts can occur until after the reserved post is written.

  9. The event will be graded by Raken, Sarin, and Muz using a rubric that focuses on creativity, plot development, realism, and grammar.

  10. Your team will be disqualified from Nova contention if a team member fails to post.

  11. Members failing to post 2 x times per phase will be disqualified and will not be given credit for participating in the event.<p>

Event Timeline:<p>

  1. 1 March: Initial Prompt, sign ups, and team posting.

  2. 8 March: Second Prompt and team posting.

  3. 15 March: Threads locked.


So all teams are 5, no more no less?

Also, given the RO is starting on 2 March, will we get till 9 March?

Again, can we clarify team size - does it have to be exactly 5?

Well, according to Malik the other day: "Five man minimum and seven man maximum is what Sarin said in #db last night. "

Of course, this is Malik we are talking about here. :P

5-7 members, Goatster is correct!

[03:40] (@Sarin): run on max is goign to be 7..... [03:40] (@Sarin): fyi

There you go, that's from the 28th :P

Damn, foiled by Sarin... :P

See Malik, it's things like that which make people hesitant to listen to you :P

One other clarification, 2 posts per week or 2 posts fotal?

One other clarification, 2 posts per week or 2 posts fotal?

2 posts per week. Each Run-On phase runs one week, during which Sarin will post a secondary prompt tailored to your specific run-on after the first week thereby starting phase two.

  1. Players must post a minimum of 2 times per phase.

  2. Players may post as many times as they desire.

#6, worded poorly, means you can post 25 times each phase if you like. 2 is the minimum.

(The link to the Rhelg sub-forum doesn't actually work) (for me anyway)

I still don't get why people use "FIST" instead of "Fist" when writing the title in run-ons and fictions... it's the exact same length... so isn't it improper writing to capitalize a word randomly in the middle of a sentence? Abbreviations for titles (GM, HRLD, JST, FIST) shouldn't even be used in fictions.

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