Independence Games: Intermediate Metrics


Independence Games: Intermediate Metrics

Greetings everyone,

As we're almost halfway through the Independence Games, I think it's time for some metrics*. We currently stand at 302 entries, made by a total of 65 members in 41 events, out of the 55 events that collect their submissions through the staging site. While these are impressive numbers for only a week of work sandwiched through Dark Crusade phases, it does also imply there are fourteen events that have no submissions as of yet (though most of them have members subscribed to them, indicating people are working on an entry). In any case, less competition is more chance of winning, right? ;). Here's the list:

<small>* Note that these metrics exclude all 'manual' competitions, of which we have no participation information readily available ([IG23],[IG06],[IG42],[IG57],[IG35] and [IG38]).</small>

Enjoy the rest of the games!

On behalf of the Independence Games Administration,

James Lucius Entar Arconae

I'll do IG39 if anyone has Football Manager 2013 :P

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