Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Marka Ragnos Weekly Report #7 - 09/09/01


  • First off, let me appologise for not sending out a report last week. This was due to an inbox meltdown and having no time to recover it due to

work. This problem has now been sorted.

-The Vendetta is over and we are awaiting results, hopefully out today.

-We have two members joing us this week and two leaving, keeping our numbers at 16.

-Applications for Aedile are closed. Thank you to all who applied. I have made my decision, which will be made public as soon as it has been

confirmed by the MAA.

-New Krath webpage up at: http://www.krath.org or http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath/

-New Krath Archive on line at: http://krath.ehonline.org/archive/

-If you wish to submit something for the next Dark Voice, the deadline is the 13th. Send your submission to DJM Kaine Mandaala with the subject


-Grant Of Arms - In a recent investigation, it was discovered that about 20% of all active members eligible have a GoA. If you are a GRD or above,

request your GoA today! Go to the HRLD site for more info.


Total Members: 16

Quaestor: Iylan Kano [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Aedile: TBA

Dark Jedi Master Shups

Pontifex Voranyen

Epis Trevarus Caerick

Archpriest Alex

Archpriest Mordann

Priest Khobai

Priest Enerum

Priest Shae-Lynn Jade

Dark Jedi Knight Ghost Dog

Dark Jedi Knight StarLion

Dark Jedi Knight Tharivol Endymiron

Acolyte Figaro

Acolyte Imperial

Acolyte J'Rai

Acolyte Dron


Krath Pontifex Voranyen joins us.

Krath Priest Khobai joins us.

Guardian Li Mu Bai transfers to Clan Alvaak.

Jedi Hunter Ayudanter Clars III transfers to HLK.


Novice Dron to Acolyte Dron


None. Await the results of the Vendetta for news on this.


Team Total: 8

Tetrarch Ghost Dog ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Trevarus Caerick

Tyro Shae-Lynn Jade

Tyro Tharivol Endymiron

Tyro Shups

Tyro Figaro

Tyro Imperial

Tyro Starlion

Contact Ghost Dog in order to join.

Ghost Dog, I want a Phyle report sent to myself every Wednesday.


There will be at least one new competition starting in the very near future.


In Darkness,

KP Iylan Kano (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow,


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