Consul Report


Consul Report



<p>Again, I must apologize on the lateness of this report. I will say one thing, I have been speaking a lot with the new QUAs and AEDs, and if everything goes according to plan, Alvaak will have a fun time! :)

<p>A note on recruitment, check the Rogue and SA listing for new recruits. If people from other clans are interested, that's ok, but wait for them to contact you...

<p>The PCON will be picked this week, and I know it will not be easy, because it's not getting any easier.

<p>I will be on leave from November 2 - 4 for a family wedding, so please refer all you questions to the PCON as well as CCing them to myself... :)

<p>I'm going to try to get a new website going. Once Crix Madine left Alvaak, I feel that it might be good to get a new one up, which I will attempt to complete within the new few weeks.

<p>**House News**


<p>House Ronin weekly report #2

<p>Welcome to another House Ronin report.

<p>News got some updates, I went on leave but as of this report I have returned. Keldorn has come up with some plans for a competition, I hope he'll mail me the details soon, we was officially challenged by Archanis of Taldryan today, but I decided to wait until after Keldorns competition. We got 2 new members, welcome to DJK Kyle Katarn and ACO Rekio Corsiar.

Reports can also be read on now.

<p>Awards and Promotions

DJK Keldorn awarded a Dark Cross for his good work on the website.

DJK Kyle Katarn got Rollmaster of House Ronin


Waiting for details from Keldorn.


Recruit and come on to IRC in #alvaak. Fly some missions so that I can see you're alive. :Þ

<p>-SW Malik (Sith)/QUA/Ronin of Alvaak,



<p>House Standing Orders:

*Take part in MML

*Of course,enter as many comps as you can

*For the Summit,recruit discretely:)

<p>House News:

*ACO Ekim Yellek is leaving us

*Mairin has agreed on placing Domi on the MML,though KPN Gilkane will continue on his own since he submitted a set of hiw own Apparently,there must've been a prob with the mail Mai sent coz the set didn't arrive but I'm trusting I'll have it tomorrow

*Dominatus egroups finally working thanks to Aedile Cirith:)

*The first official competitions of Domi shall start next week

<p>Current Competitions:

*Krath Murder Mystery League - Next solution is due on 28 October for us since we just started and late:)

Krath Monthtly Topic:Due in on 2nd November 2001, all submissions to be sent to *[Log in to view e-mail addresses]** bearing the title "Krath Monthly Topic Submission - October 2001" All submissions should be 1 page minimum in length, no double line spacing. The topic is "The Calling"

*House Competitions:none at the moment

<p>Activity Tracking: <br.At this moment,anything said is precarious but still here goes what I can say: <p>KPN Gilkane:

*Answered AWOL Check

*Enters MML on his own,so this is also part of his activity

<p>KP Cirith:

*Has gotten Domi's group to work

*Performed AWOL Check

*What can I say?Keeps track of the mails and does his job right:)

<p>KP Jaksic-Lukic:

*Answered AWOL Check

<p>GRD Li Mu Bai:

*Answered AWOL Check

<p>PRT Arkady Rhinogorvich:

no activity

<p>ACO Ekim Yellek:

*leaving the brotherhood <p>Without any further business,

<p>"Mess with the best, die like the rest."

"May the Darkness purge you and Krath defend you."

KAP Aseret (Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak,SC-SoA/(BNG)(BNB)


Sith Battlelord Keiran Idanian

Consul of Clan Alvaak

Clan Alvaak Training Officer


SBL Keiran Idanian (Sith)/CON/Alvaak


Reconnaissance Officer, Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet </p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>

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