Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

**QuaestorÂ’s Announcements

(Krath Priest Enahropes Entar)**

  • Member News *

  • Arrivals/Departures


  • Promotions/Medals

Selket was promoted to the rank of GRD!

Kahn was promoted to the rank of KAP!

Enahropes Entar was awarded six Clusters of Fire.

  • House News *

You all may have been wondering where I've been for the past week or so, well I've had a few real life problems but they are pretty much resolved now. I had three things happening all at once but its all dealt with now! Hoo hah! I have a new hard drive now too... with Windows XP and its drivers all set up again, so everything is all sweet on the technical side for me as well. :D

The house web sites images have been recreated and I now have to put them back together in the pages for the site. Expect to see the site online by Friday the 9th.

Congratulations go to Kahn and Selket on their recent promotions. Congratulations go to both! They were well deserved! :)

The medals for the Prophet of Qel-Droma competition seem to be in a hold up. The Chancellor declined the last request because first place had too high a value so I have resubmitted the request, using a different award system. On the matter of awards a new system will be out for Qel-Droma... once I get my graphic program working again ;).

The feud should begin soon... which has been said many times already but stay tuned for it. Aedile Kahn is running a few events to keep us occupied until the feud begins. If it doesn't start soon I will run another house wide competition for us! :)

Don't forget to post to our house message board! (http://mb.ehnet.org/mb.php?action=topics&forum_id=15&days=7)

KP Enahropes Entar (Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona,


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