Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Squadron Report #1

Death comes - from us, to you!

This week has been fairly slow for me taking over as CMDR. So this report may be kind of rough just bare with me until I get the hang of it.


DB Competition!


Murder mystery is over, I thought it was fun while it was going on, hope there is more to come. Though I kind of only got bits and pieces of it and found it hard to keep up with, partially my fault though

Squadron Comp

I received a challenge from Commander X of Pandragon squadron in which I forward to all of you. I am accepting his challenge, and the mission to fly will be Free Tie 185. So get to your ships you bunch of drunks and lets kick ass in this thing. Submit files to me by Friday Dec 7 2001

Merit system

As you may know we have a merit system in the house. Basically you get different amount points for different activities and when you get enough pts you can exchange them for a medal.

House/inner clan comps: *Base participation points (any participation at all): 8 points *Submission of a pilot file: 5 points per platform (5 for TIE, 5 for XvT, 5 for XWA) *Submission of graphics, fiction: 3 points per sub *Multiplayer matches: 2 base points (whether you flew 1 match or 100) + 2 points for each victory.

Penalty for not taking part and not being excused: -15

Clan and DB lvl comps: *Base participation points (any participation at -all-: 14 points *Submission of a pilot file: 5 points per platform (5 for TIE, 5 for XvT, 5 for XWA) *Submission of graphics, fiction and the like: 3 points per sub *Multiplayer matches: 2 base points (whether you flew 1 match or 100) - 2 points for each victory.

extra points for quality (this only clan and DB wide comps): *If you get 1st or 2nd place overall: 3 additional points/ 5 for DB wide comp. *If you get 3rd or 4th place overall: 2 additional points/4 for DB wide comps. *If you get 5th or 6th place overall: 1 additional point/3 for DB wide comps.

Penalty for not taking part and not being excused: -25

Other merit points awards *Completion of an DB battle +1/mission *Creation of a DB battle +35 *Creation of a DB mission +15 *Run-on story or submission (at least 2 paragraphs) +1 *Completing an Shadow Academy course +15 *Fun (e.g the come up with a line for this picture comp) comp submission +2

DC - 60 Merit pts WC - 150 Merit pts SC - 300 Merit pts

Activity Report

I have not received the official up to date merit points for all of you so I will leave out until I get them.

CMDR/JH DarkHawk:

Busy on IRC and settling in as CMDR

Warrior Adrenaline:

Reported in

Jedi Hunter Ari:

Reported in

Novice Shadow Blade:

Not reported in

Jedi Hunter Gidda

Reported in

Guardian Lirak Kalist

Not reported in

Guardian Seraph

Reported In

Acolyte Toran Dan

Reported in

Flew Tie DB 10

Flew Tie DB 11

If anyone want to get a better looking ATR they are free to mail me every week with a list of everything they done (DB related of course) since there's things I might not know of. Good day to mail on is Saturdays since the report is going out on Sundays.

That's it for this week, tell me if I missed anything and it'll be corrected at once.

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