Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


CrimsonAngel didnt feel right. He was in a Training Simulator, it was a Saturday night, and he wasnt drunk.

"Oh my god, whats happening?" CrimsonAngel thought. Jumping out of his Cockpit, he ran to the bar, and he knew something was wrong. In the bar, Bob-Fett, Janos, Abel Malik and Darkmage were all there, and drinking soft drinks.

"Dude, wheres the vodka?" CrimsonAngel asked

"We dont drink anymore, we never have, here have some milk"

CrimsonAngel nearly fainted.

Then Goatham entered the Bar, and ordered a Vodka on the Rocks from the Bar tender Phoneix.

"Goatham, when did you start drinking?" CrimsonAngel asked.

"I always did!!" Goatham replied as he downed the vodka.

"ARGH!!" CrimsonAngel screamed as he woke up. "Oh god, what a nightmare" CrimsonAngel spat out as he went to the bar.

News in Breif

  1. Competition Results

  2. CONless

  3. Orbs of Power

  4. PML

  5. Web Page

  6. CrimsonAngels Flying Competition

  7. New Competition

Competition Results

There are two winners for this compeition, one for the Squadron Motto / Nickname, and one for the Flight nicknames

Janos has won a Badge of Glory and 30 Promotions points for the the Squadron Nickname / Motto

Squadron Nickname: "The Drunk Archers"

Squadron Motto: "We are the Nightmare come to Destroy your Hopes and Dreams"

Carl Lost has won a Badge of Glory and 30 Promotion Points for the Flight Nicknames / Mottos

Flight I

Nick: "Night Flight"

Motto: "In your darkest hours - we are to get you"

Flight II

Nick: "Dawn Flight"

Motto: "Just wehn you thought you were safe"

Flight III

Nick: "Dusk Flight"

Motto: "We thwart your hope - enter night"

Well done to all that entered


We have no CON for now with Kale resigning and wishing to be placed in HLK. So go wild, create some trouble, slap goatham around a bit for now and the like.....

Orbs of Power

Here is the message board URL

The runon is under CNS Runons. You all need to join in the runon, because it is developing very nicely

The Orbs of Power Compeition now has its own URL:

Even though Kale resigned the compeition is still on, and will run as normal.


I have no idea if this competition is over, but hey, its still going, so lets see some activity for it

Our witty Diamond commander has come up with this idea for a fun sith writing compeition. For details, check this URL out:

It has an interesting concept behind it, so give it a go!!

Note - Both Sapphire and Diamond can compete in his compeition

Web Page

The URL:

New Roster Layout up, and hopfully soon I will be able to fill in the blank spots where the new Mottos and Nicknames will go!

CrimsonAngel Flying Compeition

November Results!!

  1. JH Abel Malik - 74 Points

  2. GRD Darkmage - 60 Points

  3. DJK Carl Lost - 50 Points

Other Participants Were

Doom Falcon - 22 Points

Jaguar - 20 points

Nakata - 6 points

Neo-Risin - 1 Points

Dark Cross goes to Abel Malik

30 Promotion Points go to Darkmage

20 Promotion Points go to Carl Lost

YAY top three go to Sapphire Squadron

/me does the drunken commanders dance

A new month is here, so that means a new Dark Cross to Hand out!! Lets get those pilot files in!!

New Compeition

The Long Awaited Kings of Tomorrow Compeition may start soon, just depening on what happens in the next few days, watch out for it, because the compeition is huge!

If this competition is delayed again, Fred the Seal will announce a new compeition early next week

Quote of the Week

This quote came out of no where in to my email :)

um, Fred do you have any idea what CA's talking about? Arrf! eh? what? Arrf, oh ok, thx.

Err Abel, what you doing with Fred

In Closing

Arrf Arrf Arrf, its all good, im happy with the squadron state at this time, Im proud of you guys, keep up the good work!!

DJK CrimsonAngel (Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

Commander of Sapphire Squadron

FM/LCM CrimsonAngel/Raptor 2-2/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

CMDR/MAJ CrimsonAngel/Razor/Wing II/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH

DOC/LCM CrimsonAngel/Wing II/FMC-IW/M-TFC LastHope

'Fear My Hot Pants!!'

[Tie Defender - CrimsonWing]

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