Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

GRD Daniel Stephens reporting in for Banshee Brigade.

DB News: Go to

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp for

more information.

Clan News:

*None that I know of.

House News:

*We gain 2, please welcome Acolyte Josebe Ficir, and

Novice Karishma Mathai. Please welcome them to HDS.

*Check out Crusaders Ladder competition @

http://iw.ehonline.org/ladder/ Your welcome to send me

a challenge anytime, or anyone else in the House.

*On an offnote, please send a Happy Birthday to our

Former CON KE Karva Dronaal, he turns 16, (I think) on

the 12th.


Guardian Daniel Stephens:

*Trying to recruit for HDS

Acolyte Josebe Ficir:

*Finished SA Training Congrats!!!

*Joined HDS

Acolyte Kajor:


Dark Jedi Knight Deathdealer:


Protector Pit Viper:


Acolyte Max:

*Sent me a challenge for the CSP ladder, if you will

email me with a convieniant time I will play.

Acolyte Kodiak Kereban:


Protector Cooch:


Novice Karishma Mathai:

*Joined HDS. (If you need any help with the rest of

your training then feel free to contact me, or any of

the Houses Summit for help.)

Sergeants Corner: Ok this is my first report in a

looooong time and I would like to appologize for my

recent inactivity, and I would like to lead this

Brigade to greatness, with your help. Also if you will

you all please recruit for us, if you play on the Zone

see if a few of them will join, or if your in the TC

get some of them to join, or RL friends, or do like I

do and go down the Rougue list emailing people. If you

need an email for that then just ask and Ill send you

mine. And Im sure that our AED will gladly give you a

medal or promotion if you can bring some people into

the House.

May the darkness guide you.



"Remember the Titans"

CMDR/CPT Daniel Stephens/Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

PC/ISMx5/MoI/CoB/LoAx2/OV [HUSS] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS} AoT [AiT] Noble of the Hall of Grand Knight.

GRD Daniel Stephens (Obelisk)/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae, DC/(BN) Sargeant of Banshee Brigade


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