Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Dorimad Sol Report

Greetings House Dorimad Sol, Ahh... another exciting week for us. We now have several competitions running so have fun with those. I still have not found the source of my connection problem. However, I do have good news. I am going home this weekend for a month. I will be connected to my old ISP, which means I will have access to multi-player games once again whooohooo! Also, if any of you have web-space available it would be very helpful. I plan on posting counter-strike and half-life somewhere so that we can play it in competitions as well. Now, on with the booze!! Ryell mixes up a screwdriver and sits in his chair

Competitions Crusaders competition is still running until January 1st I think. The address is: http://iw.ehonline.org/ladder/

The bad guy competition is still running as well. http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/badguy

*NEW COMP (please note… that is ‘new’ not ‘nude’ =P) I sent in a request for a competition to Ast. He said that this would be ok. It is an easy way to get a dark cross out of the deal. We need a new motto. Since I lack creativity and I know some of you have a surplus of it. Here goes: vEach member post two motto entries over Egroup vAfter everyone has submitted Crusader and I will pick the best one and it will be used. vThe winner will receive a DC. I know that this may seem simple but that’s what I want. I think since many of you maybe growing tired of JK only competitions so, I thought up this. It is a good means of getting some conversation started up as well. Perhaps congratulate each other on a good motto ect… Communication is definitely something we need a lot more of are here. I guess this is my effort to push for that. I hope to see many posts. It is simple and since activity is a good route to promotion take advantage. Promotions Some of you may be wondering why no one in House Dorimad Sol never gets promoted. Let me answer this question for you because you do not do anything. The only way you can get a promotion is to do stuff. I have to have something to say on my promotion request for you. You know, just stuff you did to deserve a promo. I can’t lie so you guys have to participate in competitions. I’ve compiled a list of things you can do for a promotion. vParticipate in competitions this is perhaps the most important thing and easiest way to get promoted. vCome on IRC this is a major thing with me because I like to talk to you in person. vChat on Egroup this is a major plus too. That way you whole house can speak with you and know you’re alive. vThe students in the MS program. Just do the basic things along with keeping in constant contact with your master. vDaniel Stephens suggested it to me and I think it could work pretty well. Acolytes if you want Protector play five games of Jedi Knight (Email Crus and myself the screenshots) and participate in two competitions and you will receive a promotion. Masters info and other stuff Masters, I need you to send me a small list of things your student has been doing that would give them a promotion so I can promote them. If you don’t tell me I’ll never know. In closing… Well, now that you know what to do the job of getting promoted won’t be hard at all. Remember guys if you have any questions what so ever feel free to ask. I am always pretty snappy about answering Email. Just get back to me if any of you have web space you wouldn’t care to share for some free HL and Cstrike. I am working on the new HDS website too. This may take a while since I want it to look good and it is also going to be HTML. This hasn’t been a bad week. I have a student, Daniel and Crusader has a student Max. The MS program is working great so far. I have a feeling it won’t be long for Daniel to get his promotion. Before I forget, I want to thank Consul Maverick and OHC Sharad for helping us and pushing us along to becoming a better, more active house. Thanks to both of you it is really appreciated here in HDS. So, lets get drunk and play some JK!! (Please drink responsibly =P) Respectfully Submitted,

"Aut mors aut Victoria (Either death or victory)"

OW Ryell Zoith (Obelisk)/QUA/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae, DC-KC/(BNAg)

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