Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Issue #0005 - December 30th, 2001

*Hail! *

I must admit I almost got late for this one but I'm still here, which means there's more nonsense coming to you again. In this new issue I have taken the duty of getting some work myself and show you all what I want you to do (in fact, I just did it because I didn't want to see another empty report going off... Yep, this annoys me...).

** - Fast-Talk:**

"And now I've got Command of 2 squadrons. Goat you will learn to regret this methinks.
OK, we've got the new year coming so drink, find a member of the opposite sex, generally enjoy yourselves.
Then you fly Kings of Tomorrow or you die pretty simple isn't it.*" *

Thanks Janos on this beautiful piece of educational relief. There's a lot of meaning on this, well, at least on the part of flying on the KoT stuff (I don't think it's safe in any way to wake up with Fred besides you...)

** - Pic o' the Week:**

Being the case of no one have ever submitted a thing this week for this section either, I'll insert my own work here.

Now you tell me, isn't this logo one of the cutiest things you have seen in your entire life? (Probably not, I guess, but it's worthy a try...)

**_- Fry 'em 


I thought on putting here a mission suited specifically to the current situation of the majority of the crew on the House. It's a pretty simple mission on my humble oppinion. It starts with a fighter, maybe a T/F, and all you need to do is stay alive for, say it, two seconds... Yeah, that will do. But I ended up not doing it because it meant someone has to do something, which would spoil all the purpose of the mission...

**_- Sissy Krath 



Two words: "No subs..."

** - Weird Level:**

I'll be pretty incisive this time:

"Is someone alive out there?"

P.S.: This is going to the entire clan from now on as a warning and an invitation.

I would ask from the people around the Phare system to contribute to this dying project. If you can send me something, ANYTHING!!, to contribute to this cause, don't be shy, leave your comfortable coffin and HIT THE GODAMNED REPLY BUTTON!!!

Well, enough ranting and good evening all. And don't mess everything up on the New Year's Eve...



SW Scithe (Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow,

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000000" size="3"> </font>

"I look forward to report your clumsyness"

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