Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Sub-Zero Squadron Report #9

Sub-Zero Website:

Sub-Zero Messageboard:

Sub Zero Motto: Resistance only delays your inevitable Destiny


The first week of this new year see some changes as:

DJK Dax Corrin goes rogue & PRT Ace Hobbes transfers to Clan Scholae Palatinae.

This week is also the start of Sub-Zero`s Adventures, a fiction based ongoing story which will be part of the House of Tridens Adventures. What the heck are you going on about Sicky? i hear you all ask, well i know there are some excellent story writers amongst us, so write a story based on the adventures and exploits of our squadron and send them to me, i will collect them and form a book, then some clever person can make some DB mission on XvT or TIE and pleeeeeeeeese on XWA hehe. So people can then read about our adventures and then fly our adventures and then our material can be added to a big fat book called the House triden Adventures (working title).

So send me your stories, i can print the best one each week in this report & someone else might want to continue were that person left of & so on, and if they are really good i might even award a shiny medal:)

Don`t forget 7th of January Deadline for SZ comps........see below:)


May Darkness prevail !!!


Comp#1 fly XvT-DB Battle #6 - Operation: Razor Ice

Comp#2 fly TIE-DB Battle #12 - Operation Darkstar

Comp#3 write JH SickMan a story:)

Deadline for all 3 comps is January 7th 2002

Medals & Elevations


Merit Marks.

The new merit system is now in place the details are:

Points are awarded for all types of activity, such as flying, graphics, mission design and fiction:

All pilot files submitted by a pilot will receive a point for each mission completed in the battle. So if you complete a 6-mission battle, then you will receive 6 merit points.

For competitions there will be a set amount of points given to each pilot that participates, along with the points for the number of completed missions, entries, etc. for that competition.

Medals aware awarded after a set number of points has been amassed:

Dark Cross (DC) - 60 Merit points

War Cross (WC) - 150 Merit points

Steel Cross (SC) - 300 Merit points

I have put the merit marks in your activity reports, please contact me if you think they are wrong, theses merit marks are calculated from when i took command of Sub-Zero.

Activity Reports

Merit Marks are based on DB battles submitted to me or Comp non-DB battles since i became CMDR of SZ

PRT Lorn Blahde

Active on Email.

4 Merit marks


Active on Email.

Answered BattleTeam AWOL Check

6 Merit Marks.

GRD Hev Randrowan

Active on Email.

0 Merit marks.

PRT Vortoq

Active on email.

Answered BattleTeam AWOL Check

0 merit Marks.

GRD Koyi Komad

Active on Email.

Answered BattleTeam AWOL Check

31 Merit marks.

PRT Vonnegut

Active on email.

Answered BattleTeam AWOL Check

0 Merit Marks.

DJK Torres

Active on email.

Answered BattleTeam AWOL Check

Flew SZ comp battles DB XvT Battle 6 and DB TIE Battle 12

10 Merit Marks.

ACO Corsair

No response.

4 Merit Marks.

JH SickMan (Sith)/CMDR/Tridens of Tarentum

WC/COL Sickman/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign

BS/PCx3/ISMx4/MoI/IS-2BW/LoC-PSx26/CoLx2/CoB/OV-3E [KNGT] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/2}

Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters

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