Aedile Report


Aedile Report

'lo House Archanis,

It's my first report since I've taken over the AED spot, and it's on time. w00t! Hopefully I'll be able to keep this up. :) Anywho, onto the report...

-=Report Outline=-

I. Promotions/Medals

II. Trivia Nights

III. Prelude to Andevia

IV. Jedi Trials

V. My AED Website

VI. Miscellaneous

I. Promotions/Medals

i. Promotions

Well, no promotions yet in the two-day tenure of my reign as Aedile so far. Not surprising. Maybe by next week. :)

ii._ Medals_

No medals yet since I've been Aedile, either. Again, not all that surprising since I've only been here for two days.

II. Trivia Night i. When/Where Well, I tried to get publicity out once Ast finally approved the Trivia Night competition, but I only had a day to do it - so for anyone who didn't know, Trivia Nights are finally official. They'll be every Tuesday night in the channel #Archanis on the undernet servers on IRC at 8:00pm EST. Basically, it's a trivia competition with 20 questions, usually Star Wars related, that I'll be hosting. 1st and 2nd place winners will probably get an LSS (Legion of the Scholar - the DB's trivia medal). The medal is still under debate though...Howie doesn't seem to want us to use them. :P I'll keep ya posted.

ii. The First Trivia Night

Well, we finally got around to it, about a month after I originally planned. 1st place was GRD Talek Dei from Archanis. :D 2nd was DJK Halcyon who came outta the rogues to participate. Good job to both of them.

III. Prelude to Andevia

Ok, this is a big comp folks. Big big big. It's a multi-sub-group competition, which means participation is key. There are some writing contests if any of you are interested, as well as some SP Flying comps and some ladders (XWA/XvT/JK). There are even some fun lil comps. At least check out the site at and see if you're interested in participating in any of the activities. I'd like to do a run-on with some people, so if any of you are interested in that gimme a mail.

IV. Jedi Trials

The Jedi Trials system is still in place, the same as it used to be, no changes. The current addy for the JT site is, but that will probably be changing soon since Pred is working on building a new and improved pimptastic site.

V. My AED Website

I'll probably be putting up a simple website this weekend as my internet office thing so you can just get some info about me. I don't plan to make a newspage or anything, though, because, in my experience, a newspage without .asp or .php coding is incredibly hard to update. I'll include more about this in the next report.

VI. Miscellaneous

I still don't have all of my bearings as to what still needs to be taken over by me and what types of new activities I want to implement. If you have any suggestions, by all means, e-mail me or talk to me on IRC (I'm on IRC either as MiSFiT, Sithlet, or SBM_Flech). Hopefully, though, I'll have everything under control in a few days. Just keep the mail and everything flowin', aight?

That's my first report as Aedile. If you made it through all of my ramblings to this's a cookie. SBM_Flech hands the devoted reader a cookie.


SBM William "MiSFiT" Flechette (Sith)/AED/Archanis of Taldryan, GC/SC/WR/DCx2-KCx2-Ox2-C-D/(BNB)/(LSB)

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