Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

RM/WM (Web Master) Report #1


It's been a while sense I've needed to do a report, but I have a real position now (w00t me), so it looks like I have to do them again.

Egroup updated

I updated the house egroup (hell...I've updated it every day this week, but that isn't the point). Everyone that should be on is on, everyone that shouldn't isn't. If there are any problems come talk to me.

PS: I call and will always call the YahooGroup an Egroup.

Web Page updated

I updated the house web page this week. I added Flech as AED and myself as RM, as well as some relivant news. Nothing major though. Flech is working on getting us a domain and hosting (bleh...he beat me to it).

Thats about it for this week. See ya on the flip side.

PS: When do you want my reports, tiger?

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